
Showing posts from August, 2022

Post Publishing To Do List

 There are a number of things you can do to improve your SEO. Make sure your main keyword/s is included in your title, in the first paragraph of your post and used often throughout your post. Ensure your post is at least 1000 words long as search engines like a decent amount of content. Include alt attributes in the images you use so this will display in the event of your image no loading. Also write a short meta description and include your keyword/s. The meta description is the text that appears under your main title in search engine results. 5. Links Try and include links in your post whenever possible. Link to external sites as well as directing people to relevant places on your own website or other blog posts they may find interesting. Including links also helps with your SEO. 6. Credit Your Sources If you have done research for your blog post or have used quotes or content from other places, be sure to give credit to your sources. This will not only give credibility to your own c

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